Lesson - 2 The History of Computer


4. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a. Who is known as father of computer science?
    Ans: Charles Babbage known as father of computer science.
b. Which is an example of analog device?
    Ans:Slide rule is an example of analog device.
c. How many metal wheel did pascaline consist?
    Ans: Pascaline consisted of series of eight different metal wheel.
d. Which country did Herman Hollerith belong?
    Ans: He belonged to America
e. Which was the first calculating machine?
    Ans: Abacus was the first calculating machine.

6. Write short answer of the following questions.
a. Why is Charles Babbage considered as "Father of Computer Science"?
Ans: Charles Babbage used the concept of Input, Output, Processing, and Storage in his analytical engine. Which is the model of today's computer. Since he was the First person who gave us basic ideas of the computer. That's why he is known as the 'father of computer science'.

b. What was the purpose of Leibnitz's Calculator?
Ans: The Leibnitz's calculator was designed to perform all four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) automatically.

c. Write the features of Mark-I
Ans: Features of Mark-I
It was based on electromechanical system.
It could perform three additions in a second.

d. What was the concept given in Abacus?
Ans: Abacus was the first manual calculating devices. Which was made up of a wooden frames consisting beads that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks. The abacus itself doesn't calculate; it’s a simply device for helping a human being to calculate by remembering what has been counted.

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