Lesson - 4 Types of Computer


4. Write very short answer of the following questions.
a. Is personal computer analog computer?  (No)
b. Where are super computers mainly used? (Weather Forecasting)
c. Which digits are used by digital computers? (Binary digit)
d. Which computer is enough to hold in palm? (Palmtop Computer)
e. Write example of hybrid computer. (Passenger flight radar system)

5. Write short answer of the following questions.
b. What is hybrid computer?
Ans: The computers which perform the task of both analog and digital computers are known as Hybrid computer. E.g. Passenger Flight radar system.

c. List the types of microcomputers.
Ans: Microcomputers are further divided into following types.
i. Desktop
ii. Workstation computers
iii. Laptop computer
iv. Notebook computers
v. Mobile computers

d. What is mainframe computer? Write on example.
Ans: Mainframes are large and expensive computers capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously. E.g. IBM 1401.

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