Lesson - 8 More on Microsoft Excel


4. Write very short answer of the following questions.

a. What type of software is MsExcel?

Ans: MsExcel is a spreadsheet type software.

b. How many row numbers are there in Excel 2007?

Ans: There are 1,048,576 rows in Excel 2007.

c. Which menu tab is used to apply functions?
Ans: Formulas tab is used to apply functions.

d. Which function is used to find largest value in the group of cells?
Ans: MAX function is used to find largest value in the group of cells.

5. Write short answer of the following questions.
a. What is the purpose of Ms Excel?
Ans: The purpose of Ms Excel is to organize, calculate and analyze data to generate bills, prepare marksheet or perform financial analysis.

b. Write the differences between moving and copying cell.
Ans: Differences between moving and copying cell are:
Moving cell Copying cell
1. Moving the cell means changing the position of the cell from one location to another. 1. Copying the cell means making the extra copy of selected cell keeping the original as it is.
2. You can move cells in Excel by using the Cut and Paste commands. 2. You can move cells in Excel by using the Copy and Paste commands.

c. Write any four rules while using formula.
Ans: Rules while using the formulas in Excel are:
  • The Formulae always begin with an equal sign(=).
  • The formulae are not case sensitive.
  • The cell address aslo can be used in the formula.
  • The references, constants, operators and functions are allowed be used in formula.
d. What is the use of functions in Ms Excel?
Ans: The functions is used to performs calculations quickly such as to find sum, average, min, max etc.

e. What are operators in Excel?
Ans: Operators are the mathematical symbols that lie between operands to perform task.

f. List any three types of operators used in Excel.
Ans: There are different types of operators used in Ms Excel. They are:
  1. Arithmetic Operator (+  -  *  /   %   ^ )
  2. Comparision Operator (=  <  >  <=   >=   <>)
  3. Reference Operator (:   ,)
g. What is chart? Write any two types of excel charts.
Ans: A chart is a graphical representation of numeric data(both columns & rows) that allows to display data in visual form.

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